Have you ever felt despair in your life? maybe, maybe not. Before I start this discussion I will first define despair. Despair, the first thing comes in our mind is desperation or lose of hope. In Science the meaning of despair is a psychological disorder which the person who acquires it, will be over-depressed causing them to commit suicide or crimes. In this blog I will relate my topic in the anime titled "Dangan ronpa", but this is not the article I'm gonna use to define or give examples I'll just relate it since it talks about despair. I have 2 articles that I used define and explain the word Despair!

"Dangan Ronpa" is the additional article that I read. This is the website where I get all the information about "Dangan Ronpa", since their original website cannot be translated. Before I relate this in my topic, I will first summarize the story. The story takes place in a school named Hope's Peak Academy, It is a private school were they only accept talented students or super students. The story began when the 14 students trapped and abducted by an evil teddy bear named Monokuma, who refuses them to leave. The only way to get out of the school is to graduate by killing another student. Once the murder has committed by the murderer, Monokuma will announce that they need to investigate the crime scene then holds a class trial were students need to debate to know the culprit was. Once they finish the trial the students will start voting who is the culprit. If they make the right choice, the culprit will be execute but if they make the wrong choice they will be all executed except for the culprit. The main antagonist of the article that I have read is obsessed in despair he wants all the students filled with despair. Monokuma gave CD for every students that contain their secrets and the video of their family, friends, and etc. that had been assassinated to filled them with despair.
While I was browsing on the internet finding some information, definition I found "Pangea Progress" is the blog posted by "Pangeaprogress" in the site of "pangeaprogress.blogspot.com" is my first article that I read to get information about despair. Viktor Frankl an existential psychiatrist, "whose concentration camp experience during World War II made him somewhat of an expert on the subject", according to him despair is meaningless suffering in the simplistic but powerful formula Despair is equals to suffering minus meaning (D=S-M). In my own explanation on this meaning that Viktor Frankl gave Despair is equal to suffering minus it means that you are in despair if you don't know what is the meaning of your life it means that you think that everything is meaningless to you while you are suffering mentally or emotionally. Pertaining to this topic I would like to relate the anime "Dangan ronpa" to this article. The meaning of the plot of Dangan ronpa is similar to this topic because if you watch the final episode of this anime you'll see that that the main antagonist attempted to put away the meaning of their life means that he/she remove their hope.(D=S-M) if I will relate this to the anime, It's similar because in Dangan ronpa the characters are suffering in despair mentally or emotionally, by blackmailing them or maybe they have been prisoner there for along time, they also acquired despair because the main antagonist remove or erase the meaning of their life.
After I finished getting information in the first article that I read my friend suggested that its better that search the name of a psychologist in that way I can easily find the thing that I wanted to find.While I was searching names of the psychiatrist and their explanation about despair I found "Peace and Healing" written by Dr. Dan Williams in "peaceandhealing.com" is the second article that I read to define despair. In the article that I read they define despair as feeling of hopelessness. People who felt depression/despair are not close to commit suicide, because individuals who felt despair are forced to think negative things causing them to lose hope or giving up their hopes and dreams for them to feel their life is meaningless. The feeling of despair is like you lose everything love ones, dream and hope and etc. They describe despair as a negative feeling because it can devastate people who felt it, however felling of despair can be cured or resolved by some action that I read such as: interacting with you family friend by telling them your feeling in that case feeling of despair would lessen, relaxation therapy like (warm bath, spa, and etc.),thinking positive is also included, but more important is time, feeling of depression takes a lot of time to be cured, time is important to those people who have it. They need time to be alone they need to think or decide on what is gonna happen to them. Relating this to the anime in final episode of the anime, all of their hopes and the meaning of their life disappeared but as this article said it just need time to think or to decide to regain the hope or the meaning of the life and also despaired people need support from friend or family to resolve his/her life and to gain hope again, pertaining to the anime. The protagonist support all of his friend and help them to think, to decide, to regain their hope ones again and to defeat despair.
"Hope rises like a phoenix from the ashes of shattered dreams"
- S.A Sachs -
Relating this quotation and the picture above to my topic I learned that even though despair is really hard to resolved hope is always there, you just need to find it. Despair can be resolved it just need time to think, to decide, to find the light, the light of a burning phoenix of hope.
In this research I learned many things definition and the solution. I learn the definition and solution for despair, I learn it from from people's opinion, book, website, and from the past psychiatrist. I learned that time is important to people who suffer from despair and I learned that people who acquired despair needs time to relax and support of his/her love ones, but the most important thing that I learn here is "don't lose hope".
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