First and for most how do we conquer or manage despair if we acquire one? Well in this blog you will learn how to manage despair. We know that if someone say despair all of a sudden we think about miserable things like great depression, anxiety,etc. right? in this blog we will know what causes it and how do we manage it.
In the site "readabout" I found some information about the topic that I chose posted by Readabout's depression treatment team.In the site that I chose they describe despair as miseries and hopelessness that brings the feeling of anguish,gloom and lose of hope.In this article they found out that some of our fellow people say that being in the state of despair is being a crazy or psychotic person, but being in the state of despair doesn't mean that they are crazy however, some of people who is suffering in despair they think that they are crazy.
According to my article that I read is that there are many things that causes despair or depression like: financial problems, love conflicts,war, family problems, sometimes atmosphere also affect our mood sometimes it may cause us to feel depressed. To manage or to conquer depression or despair you have to learn first acceptance, understanding, and resolve sometimes you also need to learn how to let go. Some people acquire despair because of horrible historic memories like people who have been abused by others then they now refuse to accept the reality behind the action. This kind of serious incidents is hard to overcome because it can destroy peoples lives if they don't attempt to step forward it turns into totally loss of hope that may attempt people to do such bad things like suicide, crimes, and etc. In this blog said that it's better if you seek some help to others,ask for help to the one who cares about you,and etc.
In my second article that I read "fleeingvesuvius" titled "Managing despair" posted by the admin of the site written by John Sharry. In this site I learn more things about in despair how to manage,what causes it, and tips but somehow in some point, some of the content of this second article are pretty similar to the first article that I read like acceptance, understanding and etc. Moving on to my topic according to my research, Psychologist Kubler Ross proposed a 5 stage model on how people response to bereavement: denial, bargaining, depression/despair, and finally acceptance that is similar to my first article. Once the person acquire the loss like loss hope, loss love ones, and etc. may experience the great anger "which is often accompanied by seeking to apportion blame and even seek retribution". Followed by bargaining, seeking ways to avoid having the bad thing happen. Bargaining is thus a vain expression of hope that the bad news is reversible. Next is depression/despair the state of being totally lost once the depression came the only need to do to is to go to the last stage and that is acceptance ,it is not easy to learn acceptance because it need plenty of time to learn it.
To all readers I just wanted you to know that there is no wound that never heals. We learn so many things about despair again. We learn how to overcome despair or how to manage.We understand how to overcome by means of understanding, acceptance, and to let go of things that mean to us.We learn the symptoms, stages, and the remedy for it. I hope you guys would apply it or somehow remember once you acquire despair.....remember that there is always room for hope.
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