Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Chapter 2


1.)How each character exhibit despair in Dangan ronpa?

2.)How can despair relate to Dangan ronpa?

Definition of despair
Despair is defined as desperation or lose of hope it is caused by sadness,depression,major loss, boredom, anxiety, conflict, and etc. In Science the meaning of despair is a psychological disorder, the person who acquires it, will experience over-depression,lack of motivation,confident,low self -esteem causing them to commit suicide or crimes. despair was described as miseries and hopelessness that brings the feeling of anguish,gloom and lose of hope. (

Despair is related to depression which some have speculated evolved as a means of encouraging wounded and sick animals to take care of themselves. A sick animal or depressed person will tend to seek out a quiet hiding place were they can lie still for days on end licking their wounds. Depression can also run in families and be caused by head injuries. In such cases it is thought to discourage people from engaging in dangerous activities. Lao Tzu wrote that "belief is a colorful hope or fear" and certainly our beliefs can contribute to any despair we might experience. Depressed people often obsess over certain thoughts, and this obsession can sometimes lead to people re-evaluating their beliefs.

However according to Viktor Frankl an existential psychiatrist, "whose concentration camp experience during World War II made him somewhat of an expert on the subject", despair is meaningless suffering in the simplistic but powerful formula Despair is equals to suffering minus meaning (D=S-M) it means that the cause of despair is the loss of hope and the suffering caused by many things like major loss,failures,conflicts,trauma, calamities, etc. ( psychotherapy.html%22)

In this chapter the researcher will elaborate the connection between despair and the anime to further understand. The researcher will attempt to see/analyze the signs, pattern or connection that the anime exhibits about despair

A.Factors that connects despair and the anime Dangan ronpa

There are 2 factors that connects anime Dangan ronpa and despair, basically the first factor is the theme of the anime, second is the signs/pattern of despair that exhibited in the anime. In the anime it shows the caused of despair like major loss, lack of confident and etc. it exhibit by the characters and also the effect usually the effect of despair that was exhibit in the anime is killing and suicidal which is common but the main purpose of this paper is to identify the signs and relate it to the past research and prove it if it is correct or not. Hence this paper will give information about the anime and despair.

B. Exhibit the causes and effects


In this anime it exhibit 2 kinds of cause of despair psychological, and physical that exhibit by every each character. In the anime each character exhibit the causes of despair.

I. Psychological

In the anime Dangan ronpa Monokuma the principal gave CDs to the students that contains horrible dead picture and videos of their love ones for them to lose hope also Monokuma attempts to blackmail the students to remove their motivation . Monokuma revealed every secretes of the characters in the anime for them to suffer from despair to lose confidence, faith, and self-esteem. It only shows that despair is caused by conflicts, major loss, and problems as my past research stated earlier.

II. Physical

In this part only one character exhibit physical. It happens when the main protagonist Naegi will be executed because he was blamed for killing Mukuro one of the character but he doesn't. the time he will be executed by a smashing wall he was already suffering pyhsically but he was saved by a virus called Alter Ego created by Fujisaki one of the character. Naegi fall from the deep underground where all the garbage were placed there. There is no food or water the only thing is there is garbage and nothing else he was trapped for 3 days suffering from hunger, thirst, and despair. It only shows that conflict can either be physical or psychological. It also shows that the basic needs can also be the cause of despair that the researcher haven't stated.


In the anime it shows the effects of despair it also exhibit by the characters. In the anime it shows how they think, feel, and behave.

"Many health specialists claim that stress, depression, and emotional despair can have effects on physical health. In fact, emotions are basically connected to many aspects of physical health. Eating disorders and sleep disturbances brought by emotional despair may lead to low energy, chronic pain, and sexual dysfunction. In addition, ordinary physical symptoms like stomach ache, headache, and lower back pain may be traced to painful memories or experiences that caused a deep emotional, physical, and psychological strain." (]

Those effects that the researcher found were exhibited in the anime. There is one scenario were the characters felt aches on their body after they saw the video that was given to them. In the anime they also lost their energy due to major loss. In the anime they also exhibit the common effect of despair, hallucination, schizophrenia, being paranoid, and etc they also shows how they think or behave which is one the effect. In the anime they shows different ways that the despaired people do to escape from despair, suicide and killing, hence at the end, support, time, and hope is the thing that they exhibit to either cure or avoid despair.

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